1988 년 Wedeberg Farm의 Jim Wedeberg는 위스콘신에서 Croperative를 찾는 데 도움을 준 7 명의 농부 중 한 명으로, 신생 협동 조합의 첫 유제품이되었습니다. Jim은 초기 몇 년 동안 원동력이었으며,이를 안내하기위한 유기적 표준이 있기 전에 빠르게 성장하는 1xbet 카지노 농업 공동체의 리더로 봉사했습니다.
For more than 30 years, Jim has farmed and been a leader in the farming community, first in the upper Midwest, and then across the country. Many cooperative farmer-members will say their having coffee or meeting with Jim at an event convinced them to take the leap into organic. In fact, Jim might have recruited more farmers to organic than any other farmer. A straight talker, he directly addresses farmers’ concerns and helps others see how becoming part of a farmer-owned cooperative business can provide economic stability, support and sense of togetherness.
Most recently, as Director of International Cooperative Development for CROPP Cooperative, he has worked tirelessly to influence cooperative development and organic agriculture in other parts of the world. His personal commitment and vision for a future for small family farms with a stable pay price built through the marketing of organic products have been essential in building the organic community. He also has shown a strong commitment to the next generation of organic farmers, transitioning his own dairy farm to his eldest son John in 1998, and today, his other son Jake also has a stake in the farm.
Over the years, he personally visited potential organic farmers to talk face-to-face, sharing experiences farmer-to-farmer. His leadership can be credited with helping growing CROPP Cooperative from its initial seven farms to the more than 1,800 total organic farms today, helping shape new markets across the country and internationally for organic food.
“It is very important to grow the organic community. I believe that organic production is more vital now than any time in history to help provide healthy food during this pandemic through local food and local processing producing healthy food for consumers,” said Wedeberg.